A lot of bloggers face problems when they are indexing their site map of thw
pages. Today, I'm going to talk about a site that checks your pages for free to
find out if they were duplicated, this tool is called plagspotter.
How plagspotter works?
Plagspotter helps article marketers detect any duplicated content in their
content for marketing. with the help of it you can get official content and
avoid the risk and get high rank.
Mix Up The Elements In Your Article
Article Marketing can seem to be a very hectic activity just before posting to
the sites. as writer your typical article should contain the title, introductory
part, body and conclusion. After Fixing all the elements in an article fix your
mind to how you can sell the article, this is done by creating different
multiple version of each element and combine those elements differently each
time you post your article.
Most readers before reading their ayes catch the Title, The title gives a brief
overview on what the article is about.
Article Summary
it's useful to have numerous and very different versions of the summary.
which will help you avoiding having duplicated content, Summary is carefully
examined by search engines.
Article Body
Article body is an article contains the content of your post, therefore it's the
part that most readers will get interested in to get to know the whole story.
What is important is the structuring of your body. You can structure the text
into blocks that can be also be rearranged.
Besides structuring of the body the writer should replace words and phrases
with meaningful, but different equivalents. This way the article will maintains
the same tone and meaning but has a large proportion of different words.
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