Today I'm going to talk about Registry and how to clean it to speed up
your PC, and save some RAMs of your computer.
What is Registry?
The registry is a database in Windows that contains important information
about system hardware, installed programs and settings, and profiles of each
of the user accounts on your computer. Windows continually refers to the
information in the registry.
Every computer contains six parts of the Registry:-
1-HKEY_User - contains the user information for each user of the system.
2-HKEY_Current_User - has all the preferences for the current user.
3-HKEY_Current_Configuration - stores settings for the display and printers.
4-HKEY_Classes_Root - includes file associations and OLE information.
5-HKEY_Local_Machine - has the settings for the hardware, operating system,
and installed applications.
6-HKEY_Dyn_Data - includes performance data.
When you install a program, it will usually write some data to the computer's
registry. If you want to manually edit the registry for some reason, you can
use the "regedit.exe" program, which comes with the Windows operating
system. However, you should not edit the registry if you don't know what
you're doing because it could disable your computer.
How to clean your Registry?
You can clean registry with a lot of softwares like:-
CCleaner is the best free registry cleaner program I've tested. It's easy to
use, prompts you to backup the registry before it makes changes, and
includes a number of other useful tools. and it's compitable with Windows 8,
7, vista and XP.
a lot but I found it to be very well done.
The JetClean registry cleaner supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
JetClean scanned the entire registry in just a few seconds, has a well
designed interface, and didn't try to push some unnecessary browser toolbar
on me during installation.
3-Wise Registry Cleaner
Wise Registry Cleaner comes in very close to the other top rated registry fix
tools. ZhiQing Soft has put together a fantastic free registry cleaner program.
Wise Registry Cleaner comes in both installable and portable versions and
can be used on Windows 7, all the way back through Windows 98. 64-bit
Windows versions are supported.
4-Easy Cleaner
EasyCleaner is one of the oldest and most trusted free registry cleaners out
there. The interface is a bit dated but it's a solid registry repair tool.
The ToniArts website says that EasyCleaner works in Windows 7, Vista, XP,
2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95. Both installer and portable versions of this registry
cleaner are available.
And here is another method without any softwares:-
1-Click on start button and select run.
2-Type regedit in run box and press Enter.
3-First I recommend you to backup your The current registry to be able to
undo changes of some thing went wrong, by clicking on file menu and select
Export and select all in export rang then select your location and click save.
first:- Browse to remove old applications. Remove any application listings
which have already been uninstalled.
4-Expand the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key (looks like a folder) by clicking on
the plus (+) sign next to it.
5-Expand the "Software" key.
6-Search for keys that contain either the application's name,
or more commonly, the application's developer (company name).
7-Highlight a key for the application.
8-Press "Del" to delete it.
Second:- search applications by their name, executable name, and/or folder
name. Remove any application listings which have already been uninstalled.
1-Press "Ctrl" and "f" to open a find dialog.
2-Enter the text used to search for the application's listings
3-Click on "Ok" to search. The key or value should be highlighted when found.
4-With the proper key or value highlighted, press "Del" to delete it.
5-Press "F3" to find the next result and repeat.
Third:- Remove unwanted start-up items. Many of the more popular
applications, such as Adobe Reader, Quick time Player, and Real Player, will
install a registry value to load an updater or similar process when Windows
starts. To delete these:-
1-Expand keys (as done previously) to go to the following location: My
Computer\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\
Current Version.
2-Highlight the "Run" key.
3-Look for values inside of the left pane. These will be shortcuts to
executable files.
4-Highlight a value to remove. If you're not familiar with these, or are unable
to guess which ones correlate to which applications, Google for it.
5-Press "Del" to delete it. To select multiple entries to delete, hold down
"Shift" or "Ctrl" while clicking.
6-Repeat this process for the same key path inside of the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER location as well. If an application installs for "all
users", it will put these startup items inside of the the local machine folder.
For current user or single user software installs, they will be put into the
current user folder.
You should not need to make manual changes to the registry because
programs and applications typically make all the necessary changes
automatically. An incorrect change to your computer's registry could render
your computer inoperable. However, if a corrupt file appears in the registry,
you might be required to make changes.
I strongly recommend that you back up the registry before making any
changes and that you only change values in the registry that you understand
or have been instructed to change by a source you trust.
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