
Monday, July 8, 2013

Tips To Make Your Site Appears in Search Engines

Techniques To Make Your Site Appear in Search Engines

In this article i will explain 3 of the most important tips to make your site 

appears is search engines, So that you can get more traffic or visitors to your 

site or blog, So lets start.

Write Unique and updated articles

Writing an unique article is the most important factor to keep your visitors 

and keep your site alive so you should choose your articles carefully, And 

know that:-

Copied content= blocked site from search engines, while Updated and useful 

content=your site is welcome in the search engines.

choose your keywords carefully and the least competitive words

while searching in search engines you will find a lot of keywords many sites 

are competing on it, so you shouldn't choose these words as keywords, to 

have a chance that your site appears in search engines. See this searching for 

android games(look at the number of results ).

So don't choose your keywords carefully.

Keep your Bounce Rate low

 It represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and "bounce" 

(leave the site) rather than continue viewing other pages within the same 


A bounce occurs when a web site visitor only views a single page on a 

website, that is, the visitor leaves a site without visiting any other pages 

before a specified session-timeout occurs. There is no industry standard 

minimum or maximum time by which a visitor must leave in order for a 

bounce to occur. Rather, this is determined by the session timeout of the 

analytics tracking software.


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